About the Journal

The Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management publishes original research about the environment with emphasis on sustainability. More information ...

Current Issue

Journal uses continuous publication model. Current issue is in progress

Published: 2024-07-25


Evaluation of water permeability in compacted sand-bentonite liners from landfill using planning and factorial analysis

Thiago Fernandes da Silva, Marcus Vinícius Melo de Lyra, Isaac Fernandes da Silva, William de Paiva, Marcio Camargo de Melo, Veruschka Escarião Dessoles Monteiro
Abstract 256 | PDF Downloads 198

Page 182–190

Clinoptilolite- and glauconite-based sorbents for lead removal from natural waters

Kateryna Stepova, Roman Konanets
Abstract 100 | PDF Downloads 84

Page 191–200

Effects of evergreen trees on mental restorative quality of winter landscapes

Jingwei Zhao, Xintao Li, Bingru Sha
Abstract 120 | PDF Downloads 85

Page 201–210

Evaluation of noise exposure levels of pedestrians in suburban Chennai, India

Minu Salim, Suriya Saravanan
Abstract 110 | PDF Downloads 44

Page 211–221

Design and water-saving capacity of planting roof with compound irrigation and stab-resistant function

Zhenggen Fan, Ji Liu, Yuqi Fan, Jiasen Pan
Abstract 58 | PDF Downloads 20

Page 222–230