
The cooling intensity dependent on landscape complexity of green infrastructure in the metropolitan area

    Yuncai Wang Affiliation
    ; Junda Huang Affiliation
    ; Chundi Chen Affiliation
    ; Jiake Shen Affiliation
    ; Shuo Sheng Affiliation


The cooling effect of green infrastructure (GI) is becoming a hot topic on mitigating the urban heat island (UHI) effect. Alterations to the green space are a viable solution for reducing land surface temperature (LST), yet few studies provide specific guidance for landscape planning adapted to the different regions. This paper proposed and defined the landscape complexity and the threshold value of cooling effect (TVoE). Results find that: (1) GI provides a better cooling effect in the densely built-up area than the green belt; (2) GI with a simple form, aggregated configuration, and low patch density had a better cooling intensity; (3) In the densely built-up area, TVoE of the forest area is 4.5 ha, while in the green belt, TVoE of the forest and grassland area is 9 ha and 2.25 ha. These conclusions will help the planners to reduce LST effectively, and employ environmentally sustainable planning.

Keyword : urban cooling island, cooling effect, landscape topography, landscape composition, spatial configuration, the densely built-up area, the green belt, environmental sustainability

How to Cite
Wang, Y., Huang, J., Chen, C., Shen, J., & Sheng, S. (2021). The cooling intensity dependent on landscape complexity of green infrastructure in the metropolitan area. Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management, 29(3), 318-336.
Published in Issue
Oct 19, 2021
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