Dynamic trip planner for public transport using genetic algorithm
This paper reports the development of a public transport trip planner to help the urban traveller in planning and preparing for his commute using public transportation in the city. A Genetic Algorithm (GA) approach that handles real-time Global Positioning Systems (GPS) data from buses of the Metropolitan Transport Corporation (MTC) in Chennai City (India) has been used to develop the planner. The GA has been shown to provide good solutions within the problem’s computation time constraints. The developed trip planner has been implemented for static network data first and subsequently extended to use real-time data. The “walk mode” and Chennai Mass Rapid Transit System (MRTS) have also been included in the geospatial database to extend the route-planner’s capabilities. The algorithm has subsequently been segmented to speed up the prediction process. In addition, a temporal cache has also been introduced during implementation, to handle multiple queries generated simultaneously. The results showed that there is promise for scalability and citywide implementation for the proposed real-time route-planner. The uncertainty and poor service quality perceived with public transport bus services in India could potentially be mitigated by further developments in the route-planner introduced in this paper.
Keyword : dynamic trip planner, genetic algorithm, global positioning system, public transportation, route-planner, static network, real-time data

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