
Optimal sensor location and origin–destination matrix observation with and without sensors on uncongested networks


The Origin–Destination (O–D) matrix, is an important information in transportation planning and traffic control. Rapid changes in land use, particularly in developing countries, have been and are on an increase, which makes the estimation and observation of this matrix more significant. The objective of this paper is to observe O–D matrix under two scenarios. In the first scenario, it is assumed that the traffic network is equipped with path-ID sensors. In this situation, the goal is to determine the optimal number and location of these sensors in the network, where by applying collected information through these sensors, the O–D matrix is observed. Because path-ID sensors are not available in many cities, in the second scenario the interview alternative is proposed in order to observe O–D matrix. The interview method has encountered some restrictions. Several mathematical programming models have been developed to overcome these restrictions. To illustrate these proposed methodologies, they are applied in the Nguyen–Dupuis transportation network and the results are analysed. By applying the model on the intercity road network in the Province of Isfahan (Iran), a large network, the efficiency of these proposed models is demonstrated. Finally, some conclusions and final recommendations are included.

First published online 10 October 2019

Keyword : origin–destination matrix, observability problem, network sensor location problem, uncongested networks, path-ID sensors, Province of Isfahan

How to Cite
Karimi, H., Shetab-Boushehri, S.-N., & Zeinal Hamadani, A. (2020). Optimal sensor location and origin–destination matrix observation with and without sensors on uncongested networks. Transport, 35(3), 315-326.
Published in Issue
Jul 9, 2020
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