
On classical formulation of Hele‐Shaw moving boundary problem for power‐law fluid

    S. V. Rogosin Affiliation


A model of the Hele‐Shaw flow for power‐law fluid is proposed. A classical formulation of the corresponding moving boundary value problem is given.

Hele-Shaw uždavinio ne-Niutono skysčiams klasikinis formulavimas

Santrauka. Pasiūlytas naujas ne‐Niutono skysčių tekėjimo modelis. Pateiktas klasikinis formulavimas uždavinio, sprendžiamo srityse su laisvai judančiu paviršiumi. Sprendinio egzistencijos ir vienaties klausimai bus tiriami kitame darbe.

First Published Online: 14 Oct 2010

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How to Cite
Rogosin, S. V. (2002). On classical formulation of Hele‐Shaw moving boundary problem for power‐law fluid. Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 7(1), 159-168.
Published in Issue
Jun 30, 2002
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