
Oscillation properties for non-classical Sturm-Liouville problems with additional transmission conditions

    Oktay Sh. Mukhtarov Affiliation
    ; Kadriye Aydemir Affiliation


This work is aimed at studying some comparison and oscillation properties of boundary value problems (BVP’s) of a new type, which differ from classical problems in that they are defined on two disjoint intervals and include additional transfer conditions that describe the interaction between the left and right intervals. This type of problems we call boundary value-transmission problems (BVTP’s). The main difficulty arises when studying the distribution of zeros of eigenfunctions, since it is unclear how to apply the classical methods of Sturm’s theory to problems of this type. We established new criteria for comparison and oscillation properties and new approaches used to obtain these criteria. The obtained results extend and generalizes the Sturm’s classical theorems on comparison and oscillation.

Keyword : non-classical SLP’s, transmission problems, comparison theorems, oscillatory solutions

How to Cite
Mukhtarov, O. S., & Aydemir, K. (2021). Oscillation properties for non-classical Sturm-Liouville problems with additional transmission conditions . Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 26(3), 432-443.
Published in Issue
Sep 9, 2021
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