
A biologically inspired fluid model of the cyclic service system


A deterministic fluid model in the form of nonlinear ordinary differential equations is developed to provide the description for a multichannel service system with service-in-random-order queue discipline, abandonment and re-entry, where servers are treated like enzyme molecules. The parametric analysis of the model’s fixed point is given, particularly, how the arrival rate of new customers affects the steady-state demand. It is also shown that the model implies a saturating clearing function (yield vs. demand) of the Karmarkar type providing the mean service time is much shorter than the characteristic waiting time.

Keyword : fluid queues, multiple server, abandonment, re-entry, random order service, clearing function

How to Cite
Kantarbayeva, A., & Mustafin, A. (2020). A biologically inspired fluid model of the cyclic service system. Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 25(4), 505-521.
Published in Issue
Oct 13, 2020
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