Comparing the planning and performance of direct labour and design-bid-build construction projects in Nigeria
This study compares the levels of planning and the outcome of projects procured by direct labour and traditional contract procurement options. For this comparison, a survey of 130 projects was carried out. Data were collected using structured questionnaires and analysed using percentage, mean and t-test. The study discovers that whereas the levels of conception and overall planning done in projects procured by the two options are the same, the levels of design and construction planning done in DBB and DL projects differ. The study also discovers that the time-overruns of projects procured by the two methods differ but their cost-overruns are the same. The study concludes that projects procured by DBB and DL options differ in planning and time-overrun and suggests improved planning at the design stage when DL option is adopted and improved planning at the construction stage when DBB option is adopted.
Reikšminiai žodžiai: tradicinis pirkimų metodas (projektavimas–konkursas–statyba), tiesioginis darbas, Nigerija, projekto planavimas ir projekto efektyvumas.
Keyword : design-bid-build, direct labour, Nigeria, project planning and project performance

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