
Technological innovation cooperative behavior analysis for mega construction projects based on TPB

    Zhenxu Guo Affiliation
    ; Qing’e Wang Affiliation


Due to the complex nature of mega construction projects (MCPs), technological innovation risks have significantly increased. Cooperation is widely accepted as a proactive approach to resolving these risks. An in-depth study of technological innovation cooperative behavior (TICB) helps understand the underlying reasons, but studies need to pay more attention to it. This study explored the factors affecting TICB for MCPs and developed a conceptual model based on the Theory of planned behavior (TPB). It established a structural equation model to verify the relationship between influencing factors. An example verified the feasibility of the model. The results show that cooperative attitude, subjective cooperative norm, perceived cooperative behavior control, and cooperative scenarios positively affect cooperative behavior through cooperative intention. Cooperative attitude plays a mediating role between cooperative scenarios and cooperative intention. Perceived cooperative behavior control has no direct effect on cooperative behavior. This study provides a theoretical reference to guide future empirical studies and enriches the knowledge of TICB for MCPs.

Keyword : technological innovation, cooperative behavior, mega construction projects, theory of planned behavior, structural equation model

How to Cite
Guo, Z., & Wang, Q. (2024). Technological innovation cooperative behavior analysis for mega construction projects based on TPB. Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 30(6), 494–507.
Published in Issue
Jul 4, 2024
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