
A grey combined compromise solution (CoCoSo-G) method for supplier selection in construction management

    Morteza Yazdani Affiliation
    ; Zhi Wen Affiliation
    ; Huchang Liao   Affiliation
    ; Audrius Banaitis Affiliation
    ; Zenonas Turskis Affiliation


This study investigates an extended version of the combined compromise solution method with grey numbers, named CoCoSo-G for short, to measure the performance of suppliers in a construction company in Madrid. Seven criteria from a relevant previous study are the basis for assessing the performance of suppliers, while ten suppliers are composing our decision matrix. To initiate the decision-making process, we invite experts to aid us in the qualitative evaluation of the suppliers using grey interval values. Two weighting methods, including the DEMATEL (Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory) and BWM (best worst method) are used to achieve the importance of supplier criteria in a combined manner. The DEMATEL method is used to realise the best and worst criteria, and the BWM is used to sort the criteria according to a linear programming formulation.  The CoCoSo-G method used to release the score of each supplier and rank them. We compare the results obtained by the CoCoSo-G with those obtained by the Complex Proportional Assessment method. It is evident that offering grey values for supplier qualification, using the combined weighting tool and proposing the new CoCoSo-G approach facilitate the evaluation process while indicating trustable outcomes.

Keyword : multi-criteria decision-making, supplier selection, grey values, Combined Compromise Solution method, CoCoSo, CoCoSo-G, Best-Worst method

How to Cite
Yazdani, M., Wen, Z., Liao, H., Banaitis, A., & Turskis, Z. (2019). A grey combined compromise solution (CoCoSo-G) method for supplier selection in construction management. Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 25(8), 858-874.
Published in Issue
Nov 22, 2019
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