Using a hybrid decision-making model to evaluate the sustainable development performance of high-tech listed companies
In this study, we use a triple bottom-line concept including economic, social and environmental performance as the sustainable development performance evaluation categories for companies. Moreover, an integrated model based on grey relational analysis, decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory, analytic network process and the technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution is proposed for solving a corporate sustainability performance evaluation and ranking problem. In order to verify the proposed model, we adopt 34 high-tech listed companies in Taiwan as the research object to measure companies’ sustainable development performance and ranking in 2013. The results can be used as an important basis for management decision-making, and can also serve as reference for banks and investors when developing investment strategy.
Keyword : sustainable development, performance evaluation, grey relational analysis, decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory, analytic network process, technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution

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