
Impact of trade openness on environment in China

    Wen Jun Affiliation
    ; Hamid Mahmood   Affiliation
    ; Muhammad Zakaria   Affiliation


The study investigates the impact of trade openness on pollution in China by applying wavelet-coherence analysis, phase-difference technique and Breitung and Candelon (2006) causality test. The estimated results provide some dynamic association between trade openness and pollutant variables. The results indicate that trade openness has increased pollution in China especially after 2001 when China became member of WTO. It suggests that “pollution haven hypothesis” exists in China. These results imply that trade openness has increased exports which has increased domestic production by increasing the scale of industries, which in turn has increased pollution in the country. The findings of spectral domain causality test show that trade openness causes carbon emission both in short, medium and long runs. It indicates that trade openness forecast carbon emissions in China. The results suggest that China should take suitable measures while following trade openness policy to avoid pollution.

Keyword : China, pollution, trade openness, wavelet, phase-difference, causality

How to Cite
Jun, W., Mahmood, H., & Zakaria, M. (2020). Impact of trade openness on environment in China. Journal of Business Economics and Management, 21(4), 1185-1202.
Published in Issue
Jun 19, 2020
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