
Theoretical reflection on the role of mimesis as a conceptual principle and type as an operational one

    Cristiana Monteiro   Affiliation
    ; Sérgio Proença   Affiliation
    ; Francesca Dal Cin   Affiliation


The article explores the concept of copy, type and invention, such as the mimesis as a design process. The research aims to emphasise the utility and coexistence between theoretical concepts in the construction of architectural and urban design. This article is composed of a theoretical debate in which mimesis is understood as the basic conceptual principle and type, and typological transfer, as the operational principle; both instruments of composition. Case study is the Portuguese coastal landscape, it is possible to acknowledge different forms of urban occupation defined by metrics and rhythms; principles which are relevant to think of an urban transformation in continuity with the inherited landscape. It describes the process of decoding and classifying these ephemeral serial elements present along the coast and the subsequent design process of an architectural type and its application to a specific place. Indeed, according to the concept of typological transfer, defined by Christ and Gatenbein, we might infer that it is possible to transfer the composition rules from the preexistent ephemeral objects present in the space between land and sea to the design of new forms. The use of the concepts of copy, type and invention allows for the transformation and resilience of the vulnerable landscapes by the sea.

Keyword : prototype, type, model, ephemeral architecture, typology transfer, design process

How to Cite
Monteiro, C., Proença, S., & Dal Cin, F. (2023). Theoretical reflection on the role of mimesis as a conceptual principle and type as an operational one. Journal of Architecture and Urbanism, 47(1), 35–45.
Published in Issue
Mar 10, 2023
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