
The impact of luxury housing on neighborhood housing prices: an application of the spatial difference-in-differences method

    Chih-Min Liang Affiliation
    ; Chun-Chang Lee Affiliation
    ; You-Hsin Lin Affiliation
    ; Zheng Yu Affiliation
    ; Wen-Chih Yeh Affiliation


This study investigated the spatial spillover effects of luxury housing during and after construction, in regards to increases in housing prices in neighboring areas as well as the spatial dependence of neighboring housing. This study focused on already completed luxury housing in Taipei, Taiwan. First, the nearest-neighbor matching approach of propensity score matching was used to overcome the problem of data heterogeneity. The difference-in-differences (DD) method and spatial econometrics were used for analysis. The empirical results indicated that the spatial error model had the best goodness of fit. This indicated that housing prices increased by 13.0% during construction of luxury housing nearby. This indicated that housing prices increased by 5.8% after the construction of luxury housing nearby. The empirical results showed that the ongoing and completed construction of luxury housing had spillover effects on housing prices. The effect of ongoing construction of luxury housing was particularly large in scope, indicating its role as a predictor of psychological reaction in the market.

Keyword : luxury housing, propensity score matching, difference-in-differences, spatial dependence, spatial lag model, spatial error model

How to Cite
Liang, C.-M., Lee, C.-C., Lin, Y.-H., Yu, Z., & Yeh, W.-C. (2020). The impact of luxury housing on neighborhood housing prices: an application of the spatial difference-in-differences method. International Journal of Strategic Property Management, 24(6), 456-473.
Published in Issue
Dec 3, 2020
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