
Influence of creative, social, and practical imaginativeness on self-efficacy and entrepreneurial intention of engineering students

    Sanya Katyal   Affiliation
    ; Anasuya Kulshekar Lingappa   Affiliation
    ; Asish Oommen Mathew   Affiliation


Despite the importance of imagination to entrepreneurship, it is underexplored by researchers in the field. Imaginativeness is a cognitive ability that coalesces the capacity for  imagination with the knowledge required to rationally conjure up a variety of task-related scenarios. It is especially helpful for those who lack prior experience and therefore can be beneficial for recent graduates and anyone who wants to launch their own business. In our study, we examine whether imaginativeness, in its three forms, can influence engineering students’ entrepreneurial self-efficacy and entrepreneurial intention. Our study recorded 216 responses  to prove the hypotheses employing partial least squares path modeling using SmartPLS3, and we inferred that creative imaginativeness, social imaginativeness, and practical imaginativeness are positively related to entrepreneurial self-efficacy thereby strengthening entrepreneurial intention. The study provides distinctive insights into the study of imagination in the formation of entrepreneurial intention among engineering students in a developing economy, where studies are few.

Keyword : creative imaginativeness, emerging economy, engineering students, entrepreneurial intention, entrepreneurial self-efficacy, practical imaginativeness, social imaginativeness

How to Cite
Katyal, S., Lingappa, A. K., & Mathew, A. O. (2024). Influence of creative, social, and practical imaginativeness on self-efficacy and entrepreneurial intention of engineering students. Creativity Studies, 17(2), 362–378.
Published in Issue
Jul 31, 2024
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