
Inimitable-based innovative entrepreneurship as mediation concepts of information technology roles on organizational performance

    Iwan Hermawan   Affiliation
    ; Suharnomo Suharnomo Affiliation
    ; Mirwan Surya Perdhana Affiliation


The creative economy paradigm emphasizes the importance of ideas and intellectual property as an entrepreneurial prerequisite for being able to survive in fierce global competition. Today, an entrepreneur is required to create products with unique differences in power over competitors to stay alive in the industry. Organizational external and internal resources such as Information Technology (IT) and local culture are strategic asset sources that have an important role in building business performance. This study departs from the gap of research that is still inconclusive about the effect of IT on Organizational Performance (OP). The research direction offers novelty concepts from the perspective of resourcebased entrepreneurship theory. This paper offers the concept of Inimitable-based Innovative Entrepreneurship (IBIE),which in its ontology IBIE is the application of innovation distribution of product attributes sourced from the local nuances of design so that it becomes an iconic product that is difficult to emulate. The direction of this study will examine the concept of IBIE at the organizational level. The sample is 138 creative entrepreneurs who are SME owners who base their needs on design images that are always renewable. Hypothesis testing carried out shows empirically the IBIE variable has been able to act as a full mediation variable to bridge the gap between IT (Beta (β) = 0.747) and OP (β = 3.341). IBIE becomes a concept that fills the space of the influence of IT on OP in the body of knowledge in the entrepreneurship domain.

Keyword : information technology, organizational performance, entrepreneurship, creative industry

How to Cite
Hermawan, I., Suharnomo, S., & Perdhana, M. S. (2021). Inimitable-based innovative entrepreneurship as mediation concepts of information technology roles on organizational performance. Business: Theory and Practice, 22(2), 380-391.
Published in Issue
Oct 14, 2021
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