Vol 46 No 3 (2020)

Published: 2020-10-08


Research of influence of the earth’s subsidence outside the loads contour on the stability of the height position of the points of local leveling networks

Myroslav Dutchyn, Tetyana Grytsyuk, Iryna Bida, Liubov Dorosh, Rostyslav Pylypyuk, Mariya Nychvyd
Abstract 616 | PDF Downloads 425 | DOI https://doi.org/10.3846/gac.2020.11310

Page 113-122

Spheroidal spline interpolation and its application in geodesy

Mostafa Kiani, Nabi Chegini, Abdolreza Safari, Borzoo Nazari
Abstract 932 | PDF Downloads 525 | DOI https://doi.org/10.3846/gac.2020.11316

Page 123-135

Development of geoinformation system for identification and time monitoring of damaged lands due to illegal extraction of amber

Oleksandr Yanchuk, Tetiana Dets, Olha Dmytriv, Serhii Ostapchuk, Andrii Prokopchuk, Serhii Trokhymets, Ruslan Yanchuk
Abstract 901 | PDF Downloads 453 | DOI https://doi.org/10.3846/gac.2020.9698

Page 136-144